new user registration

Register with Listening Between the Lines and
you’ll receive

  • A 5-10 minute excerpt (podcast) from one of our documentary programs, including rough-cut drafts of pending productions, every month; and
  • Advance information about new productions; plus
  • Monthly podcasts via email.

We want to work with you, to tell the stories that made us what we are, stretch our comfort zones, and talk back to mass media, and through them, with each other. Join in our collective process of witnessing, communicating, problem-solving and producing interactive tools for dialogue across societal divisions.

Become a regular Contributor to, or Collaborator in, Listening Between the Lines’ work. Use your username and password to submit your ideas, media files, blog entrees, etcetera through the Contributor Login page.

Tell us anything else you’d like us to know about yourself and your interest in Listening Between the Lines’ work in the Additional Info box.

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