ALAN LIPKEExecutive Director
Executive Director/producer/writer/editor Alan Lipke has more than 30 years’ experience in public affairs and media production. He has been the Southern regional correspondent for Pacifica Radio and a frequent contributor to NPR, Monitor Radio, and a number of nationally syndicated public radio programs. He’s won international, national and regional broadcast awards including the Edward R. Murrow, New York Festivals and Society of Professional Journalists awards.

NAVITA CUMMINGS-JAMESForum Advisor Consultant
is an associate professor in the Department of Communication at the University of South Florida in Tampa. She is the former Director of Africana Studies and has received many awards including the University’s Outstanding Professor Award. She has been a frequent speaker and facilitator in the Tampa Bay area. Her current research and teaching focus is communication and cultural diversity issues including the intersection of the communication process with gender, race, social class, age and religion.

SHARON CARSONCurriculum Advisor
(Curriculum Advisor/Consultant, Writer and Editor, the Race with History Discussion Guide), is Chester Fritz Distinguished Professor of English, Philosophy and Religion, at the University of North Dakota, specializing in black theology, African American history and literature.

Jack is a freelance graphic designer who specializes in PowerPoint presentations and motion graphics. He is also a web designer who crafts custom WordPress websites. Jack was engaged by Jude Thilman to design and build the first Race with History website. He also produced collateral, CD labels, inserts and other graphic materials as needed. Although Jude eventually left the group, he continued to collaborate with Alan Lipke on Listening Between the Lines and Race with History, which Alan assumed full ownership of after Jude’s departure.
Former Partners/Participants

JULIE DRIZINEditor of Rosewood Reborn
has worked in and around public media for three decades, including stints with the Association of Independents in Radio, the National Center for Media Engagement, J-Lab, WETA and WXPN. An award-winning producer and innovator, Julie launched two successful national shows, Democracy Now! and NPR’s Justice Talking. She is the first executive editor of Current, the Public Radio trade-journal, and mom to two teenage daughters.

JIM BECKWITHAudio Designer
Audio Designer/Soundscaper (Rosewood Reborn, How the South Won the War, White Protestant Nation, first version of Democracy’s Denial) is an accomplished musician, songwriter and teacher. Jim is a devoted yogi and musician who focuses on Bhakti – the great yoga of the heart. He considers himself “a Sound Colorist – someone who can pick up whatever instrument is necessary to add just the right shade of sound to support the flow of the music [or narrative] at that moment.

ROBIN WISEAudio Editor
Audio Editor ROBIN WISE (American As Apple Pie) taught music and conducted award winning ensembles for 18 years. Robin has mixed over 500 radio and multi-media productions, performed post-production on dozens of audio books for Simon & Schuster Audio, instituted and taught digital audio technology for 6 years at the Graduate School of Journalism at UC Berkeley, and has taught and consulted with countless independents. Currently, Robin serves as Technical Director and Mix Engineer for Burn: An Energy Journal and the upcoming series The Really Big Questions produced by SoundVision Productions® in Berkeley, California

Script editor/consultant (Lynching’s End?, which is part of the unfinished Depression and Hope program) is host of the Georgia Public Broadcasting program “On Second Thought“. She has previously been the co-host of the national morning news show The Takeaway, from Public Radio International. Before 2009, she was the Midwest Correspondent for NPR’s Day to Day and the host of a weekly show on Detroit Public Radio. A classically trained soprano, Headlee performs frequently. Headlee has won awards from the Michigan AP, The Michigan Association of Broadcasters, and the Metro Detroit Society of Professional Journalists. In 2011 she was named a Getty Arts Journalism Fellow by USC’s Annenberg School of Journalism.

ANNA LOMAX WOODAnthropologist/Folklorist
Anna Chairetakis Lomax Wood, PhD, is President of the Alan Lomax Archives (www.culturalequity.org). ACE was founded by Alan Lomax to explore and preserve the world’s expressive traditions with humanistic commitment and scientific engagement. ACE‘s mission is to stimulate cultural equity through preservation, research, and dissemination of the world’s traditional music, and to reconnect people and communities with their creative heritage. Listening Between the Lines, Inc., will always be grateful to them for opening the recording-collection of Alan Lomax and John Lomax, two of America’s greatest musicologist/collectors, to the Between Civil War and Civil Rights project.